Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I Voted

Today was the primary for state elections in Florida. Several people are running for governor and the two leading Democrats are pretty close.

It was rainy. When I showed up at my polling place I was the only one there.

I understand apathy, I understand that people are busy. I know how they feel; it seems like just one more thing to do in a life full of duties and chores. But, it's just the right thing to do, to take the time, pay attention to the issues and candidates and make the effort to vote.

I always think of the women who worked so hard for universal suffrage--nobody just handed us the vote as a gift. And the civil rights workers who gave their lives for voting rights--that happened in my lifetime. I can't take it lightly. Voting is important.

Here's a voting rights timeline for the United States. Here's the timeline for women's suffrage, by country (Switzerland: 1971!?).


Anonymous said...

I feel the same way about voting. My mom was born in 1914, before women could vote - what an outrage! I still go to the polling place, although I could vote by mail (and may have no other choice soon). It's a bit depressing, though, because it's usually empty.


Read/Think/Live said...

My county had a 10% turnout yesterday. Do you know that in Australia, everyone is required by law to vote? That's an interesting concept, would never go over in America.

Anonymous said...

Well. I registered to vote! I cannot remember whether I had them send my voter registration card to the dorms or back home to you. I think I sent them to the dorms, but I haven't figured out where my ailbox here is, or whether it's even possible to deliver mail to our dorms. Oh well.


Read/Think/Live said...

//Well. I registered to vote!//

That's my girl!

//I cannot remember whether I had them send my voter registration card to the dorms or back home to you. I think I sent them to the dorms, but I haven't figured out where my mailbox here is, or whether it's even possible to deliver mail to our dorms. Oh well.//

That's your father's DNA talking...

Good for you, AA, you can vote in the fall election, and be part of history--the Democrats are going to Take Back the House of Representatives!
